Bathrooms, being high-traffic zones, are prone to accumulating dirt and becoming breeding grounds for harmful bacteria. Recognizing this, Pickerington Plumbing & Drain is here to share essential tips, backed by expert insights, on enhancing your bathroom hygiene. From understanding common bacteria to identifying hotspots and eye-opening hygiene practices, we’ve got you covered. 

Common Bacteria in Bathrooms and Germ Hotspots:  

We all know that bathrooms harbor various bacteria. The most common bacteria found in bathrooms include E.coli, Staphylococcus, Salmonella, Influenza virus, and Norovirus. Furthermore, to combat germs effectively, it’s important to pinpoint the bacterial hotspots, which are toilet seats, faucets, shower curtains, towels, and countertops. When you know the typical places that bacteria and other microbes reside, you can better focus your cleaning efforts strategically. 

10 Eye-Opening Tips to Keep Bathroom Germs at Bay: 

  • Optimal Handwashing Duration: Regular handwashing is your first line of defense against harmful bacteria. Take at least 20 seconds (per the CDC) to scrub your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water, significantly reducing infection risks and preventing illness spread. Make this simple yet powerful act an indispensable habit for everyone. 
  • Scheduled Bathroom Cleanings: Designate a specific day each week for thorough bathroom cleaning to ensure every corner is covered. This routine eliminates bacteria, mold, and potential hazards, creating a healthier space for your family. In addition, for quick and easy disinfecting, keep a pack of antibacterial wipes in your bathroom and use them to wipe down surfaces as needed. This will help prevent the spread of germs and bacteria and keep the area clean until your next scheduled cleaning. 
  • Covered Toothbrushes for Oral Hygiene: Protect toothbrushes from airborne bacteria by storing them with covers. This practice enhances your oral care routine and reduces the risk of bacterial transfer. 
  • Closed Toilet Lid Habit: On the same note, closing the toilet lid every time you flush the toilet significantly reduces the spread of bacteria. This easy habit contains airborne particles, contributing to a clean and bacteria-free environment. 
  • Touchless Faucets for Cross-Contamination Prevention: Upgrade your bathroom with hands-free fixtures like motion-sensor faucets to minimize cross-contamination risks. Investing in this modern technology enhances both convenience and hygiene. 
  • Regular Toilet Brush Disinfection: Toilet brushes can collect bacteria, so it’s important to clean them after each use. Just pour hot water and bleach over the bristles (and into the toilet bowl to prevent germs from spreading). Then let it air dry by propping the handle between the toilet bowl and seat lid with the brush facing the bowl. It may seem like an extra step, but it really helps reduce bacteria in your bathroom. And if you prefer brushes with disposable ends, remember to toss the used end after each cleaning.   
  • Shower Curtain and Liner Maintenance: Make it a point to change shower curtains regularly and opt for washable fabric liners to prevent bacteria and mold buildup, ensuring a cleaner and safer bathroom. 
  • Bidet Installation for Cleaner Alternatives: Upgrade to a bidet for a cleaner alternative to traditional toilet paper, reducing the risk of germ spread and providing a comfortable cleansing experience. Reasonably priced and easy to install, bidets are a smart investment in hygiene and comfort. 
  • Proper Bathroom Ventilation: Make sure your bathroom has proper ventilation after bathroom use to reduce moisture levels. This helps prevent bacterial growth and maintains a hygienic space with fresh air. 
  • Professional Drain Cleaning: Consider getting a professional drain cleaning every 1-2 years to prevent bacterial and mold buildup in your plumbing system. This ensures proper drainage, reduces foul odors, and promotes a hygienic home environment. 

By adopting these expert tips from Pickerington Plumbing & Drain, you can transform your bathroom into a cleaner, healthier space with fewer germs. Consistently implementing these practices will significantly reduce the spread of bacteria and elevate overall hygiene in your home, providing a safer environment for you and your family. 

Call Pickerington Plumbing & Drain today at (614) 350-1955, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here! 

Pickerington Plumbing & Drain

(614) 350-1955

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