How to Get Your Outdoor Spigots Ready for Summer

As summer gets closer, it’s time to think about getting our outdoor plumbing ready, too. Getting things prepped for the warmer months is something we often forget about. Whether it’s keeping your garden green or setting up some water fun, those spigots and water hoses are super important, and it’s important to make sure they’re all set to go! That’s where your friendly team at Pickerington Plumbing & Drain comes in. We’re here to give you the lowdown on spotting and fixing spigot leaks so you can have a blast this summer (hopefully) without any hiccups! 

What About Spotting Spigot Leaks? 

You won’t spot a leak if you don’t know what to look for. And remember, if you do find a leak on your spigot, it’s super important to fix it as soon as you can. Leaks often fly under the radar for a bit. So, if you’ve got a leak, depending on when you last checked, it might have been leaking for a while. 

  • Does It Have Dripping Water? Go ahead and turn on the tap to let the water flow for a bit. If you notice any water leaking from the spigot, either while the water’s on or after you’ve turned it off, it might need a closer look. Water is supposed to come out from the spout or the hose directly, not from underneath the spigot. This is a leak you will want to have fixed immediately. 
  • Does It Have Low Water Pressure? Additionally, you should also check out the water pressure when you turn on the tap. If the water trickles out way too slowly at an extremely low pressure, it might mean there’s a leak in your system. If that’s the case, it is probably a good idea to get a professional to figure out what is going on. 
  • Does It Have Corrosion or Rust? Seeing a rusted-over spigot? That is not a great sign either. Corrosion or rust are clear signals that moisture is accumulating on areas of the spigot where it should not be present, thus rust has formed as a result of it. This could mean there’s a leak that may need some attention.  
  • Does It Have Water Stains or Mold? Water stains or mold can sneak up on you when you least expect it. So, make sure to keep an eye out and regularly check around spigots for any signs of water stains or mold. If you spot any, it would be best to contact a licensed professional. 

What About REPAIRing Spigot Leaks?  

Fixing a spigot leak is pretty straightforward. If it’s just dripping water, you can easily follow the steps below. But remember, if you’re dealing with something trickier, like low water pressure, it might be a good idea to call in a professional. 

  • Are There Loose Connections? If you spot any loose connections on the fixture, a good first step is to tighten them up. Grab a wrench and give the spigot a firm yet careful twist. 
  • Are the Washers Worn Out? Washers wearing out over time is standard. So, if tightening the spigot didn’t do the trick, it might be time to slap on some new washers. 
  • Are There Cracks or Openings? Cracks, holes, or little openings around the fixture can pop up over time, especially with regular use and exposure to the elements. Just grab some waterproof sealant and patch up any visible cracks or gaps around those spigots. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. 
  • Are There Backflow Issues? Installing a backflow preventer isn’t a bad idea to protect your plumbing from water flowing backward. It’s great for keeping the water clean and stopping contamination. 
  • Are There Freezing Problems? If you’ve ever had to deal with a frozen spigot or, worse, a leak because of one, it’s probably a good idea to switch to frost-free spigots. This can really cut down on the chances of your pipes freezing and leaking. Making the switch means you won’t have to worry about your spigots even when the weather gets nasty. 

What About Contacting a Professional Plumber?  

Knowing when to call in a professional can really make a difference in getting your plumbing in top shape! Just be smart about deciding if you can fix that leak on your own or if it’s time to get a professional to check it out. Remember, when you see signs like water stains, mold, rusty fixtures, or if your water pressure’s just not cutting it, it’s probably time to bring in a professional. These are classic signs you’ve got a leak on your hands. 

Don’t ignore a leaking spigot; it could turn into an even bigger problem. When you choose our services, you’re choosing a team dedicated to keeping your home in top shape. Want to avoid future plumbing problems or have more questions? Feel free to reach out. We provide a wide range of plumbing services to keep you worry-free and ensure you get good value for your investment. 

Don’t hesitate to reach Pickerington Plumbing & Drain today at (614) 350-1955, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!   

Pickerington Plumbing & Drain

(614) 350-1955

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