Why Is My Water Bill So High?

Every month, your utility bills arrive, and you’re inclined to pay them immediately in order to finish the job. However, you notice that your water bill has been increasing with each month that goes by. How is this possible? Fortunately, our plumbing professionals at Pickerington Plumbing & Drain can help you figure out why your water bill is going up.

Have You Discovered Any Hidden Leaks In Your Plumbing System?

Leaks happen when it comes to plumbing systems. Unfortunately, there are several distinct sorts of leaks that may go unnoticed, which can affect your water bill far more than you might think. The following are a few examples of the many types of leaks that may impact your water bill:

  1. Leaking Toilet: If you have a leaky toilet, it might be a major problem. If left in poor condition, it has the potential to cause significant water waste, which will increase your water bill significantly. You may have a faulty flapper if the water levels in your toilet’s bowl are low, requiring your toilet to be refilled, resulting in greater water usage. Another problem that may arise is if your toilet runs after it has finished flushing. If you hear a humming or hissing sound from your toilet after flushing, there could be a leak or an issue that needs to be addressed by a specialist.
  1.  Leaking Faucets: Leaky faucets are one of the most prevalent causes of higher water bills, especially if the faucets are older. Leaky faucets can result in a homeowner losing up to 29 gallons of water each month, which may have a big influence on your home’s water bill.
  1. An Irrigation System Leak: An irrigation system leak is one of the most worrisome leaks on your property. The reason this problem can be so aggravating is that it’s underground, making leaks hard to find. If you believe you’re having an issue with your irrigation system, the wisest option is to call Pickerington Plumbing & Drain plumbers for assistance.
  1. Leaky or Broken Pipes: Pipelines damaged or broken may be a serious hazard to your house’s safety. Watch for mold or mildew growth, water stains, or water-loving insects in your area to identify leaking or broken pipes in your home.

Is It Time To Change Out Your Older Toilets or Fixtures Around Your Home?

Overall, upgrading your equipment for your plumbing system can help you save money on water use. At this time, water fixtures and toilets are among the ever-improving technologies that enhance the quality of our residential plumbing systems. Home washing machines, for example, save up to 13 gallons of water in each cycle as a result of improvements made throughout the years. 

Has Your Water Usage Sky Rocketed Recently?

Taking long, hot showers is wonderful, but your water usage may significantly influence your water bill. Water use can also be influenced by seasonal changes, particularly in the summertime when school is out, and people are trying to keep cool. Monitoring your water usage and adopting good practices might help you save money on your monthly water expense.

So, What Can You Do To Lower That Water Bill?

It’s time to get down to business. Search for any leaking pipes or fixtures around your property, and keep track of the amount of water used in your home to see what may be causing a much higher water cost. This task might be difficult on its own, so if you need assistance, Pickerington Plumbing & Drain is always ready! For efficient and quick plumbing services, call us at (614) 350-1955, or schedule an appointment online by clicking here! 

Pickerington Plumbing & Drain

(614) 350-1955

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